I’m a former beauty blogger who is now a mommy blogger – which means my own needs are below those of my child, LOL! If you’re like me and you’ve been too busy with others’ needs to take care of your skin, let’s all wise up and try something fresh to get that glow back. I’m thrilled to tell you about my new discovery in Palm Beach Gardens, SkinHealth Studios!

Tammy Napoli (@glamtam_ on Instagram) is a gorgeous gal herself, hailing from Louisiana like yours truly. She REALLY knows her stuff… a conversation with her is basically talking to someone who is a high-level expert on all things skincare.
Tammy created a personalized regimen for me – more on that further down in this blog post – and also introduced me to the amazingness that is a Diamond Glow facial. It’s a next-level, noninvasive skin-resurfacing facial designed to work with SkinMedica® to deliver radiant, healthy-looking skin. Tammy extracted, exfoliated and infused my skin with a custom mask, and what makes this particular brand of facial so special is the tip of the wand head has diamonds on it – so it REALLY resurfaces! I was so impressed.

Her expertise and specialized touch made my entire experience SO unique!

At the time I’m writing this blog, May 2022, she’s offering a special – if you buy a $100 gift certificate, you get $25 credit added. Plus on her skin care kits, if you buy one at full price you can get one for just $100. Speaking of skin care kits, Tammy created a regimen just for me…

Q &A with Tammy:
What sets your Diamond Glow facial apart?
“I love the medical grade serums. I can adjust the suction to high or low as needed. The exfoliation that you get with the diamond tip is superior to a HydraFacial, and the quality of the serums is higher. During the procedure, I apply two separate masks that are tailored to your individual skin needs, plus I oxygenate and recommend an appropriate regimen for follow up.”
Why do you love skincare so much?
“It stems from my own personal skin issues. I’ve dealt with acne, melasma, sun spots myself – I have had it all. I’ve spent years studying what works and what doesn’t, and that’s why I offer the top notch products and procedures in my studio for the discerning client.”
Why should women take care of our skin?
“It’s just as important as your body health – it’s skin health. When our skin isn’t healthy, we get the manifestations like melasma (hyperpigmentation), which is actually a skin disease. Acne is bacteria. When your pH balance is off, or when your hormones are off, you get skin issues. My goal is to keep the pH balanced so we don’t have issues as often. I’m determined to figure it out and work with each client to help her achieve her skin goals.”
What is your favorite procedure to do to a client?
“I love a combo treatment. I think you get the best results when you combine several modalities. For example, I love combining a Jet Infusion treatment with a BBL Photofacial laser for pigment and a Diamond Glow treatment, or adding in a chemical peel with any treatment. I custom tailor every protocol to each different client according to her skin needs.”
What is one simple and easy thing women can do to enhance skin?
“A quick one and done tip is to drink collagen. This helps keep you looking and feeling younger for longer, and it will enhance any skincare treatment I do for you. I recommend Collagen Plus because it is absorbed by the body by 65%. You can see it visibly reduces lines, supports skin hydration and healthy moisturization, plus it boosts collagen and elastin. There are clinical studies that prove it is absorbed and effective.”
Follow Tammy on her SkinHealth Studios Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skinhealthstudios/