Once I finally got around to trying it, I was excited at the social media opportunities it presented. A black facial mask with flecks of glitter and tiny silver stars, this treatment was bound to be #InstaBait and get me tons of likes and engagement. One friend messaged me that she would be worried about glitter in her eyes, but I had no such qualms. I fearlessly smeared the stuff all over my clean, damp face.
Check out this blog post - Why I messed up using the @GlamGlow #GlitterMask Share on XMelissa’s mom had seen some photos of bloggers trying the mask, and she commented publicly, something to the effect of, “How can people go around wearing this?” Her mom had misunderstood that it was a mask – she thought it was a new makeup trend, like black blush! To be funny, I decided that’s how I would put it on my face for my first Instagram post, like a football player’s stripes.
Once I let the product sit all over my face, I felt like it was an “out of this world” experience…

The next part is where I MESSED UP. See, y’all, I try to stay abreast of beauty news and trends. I am constantly reading beauty articles, watching beauty YouTube videos, following beauty influencers to see what’s hot… but sometimes I don’t do my homework thoroughly. CLEARLY this was the case in this instance, when I tried to remove the mask.
It just WOULD NOT COME OFF. I scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed… finally resorting to using a washcloth to scrub off what was left on my skin. I thought to myself, “Of course you will have exfoliation and extra-soft skin – you’re scrubbing off the top layer of your facial epidermis just to get this mask off!”

Then, as I was about to write this beauty blog, I decided I had better do some more homework about this particular mask. That’s when I realized I USED IT INCORRECTLY! You don’t splash or scrub it off – you PEEL IT OFF! My bad, y’all. That was completely my bad.
So even though it was “user error,” I still overall thought it was a fun (and social-media worthy) experience. I am a fan of GlamGlow, as I think the brand has made a solid name for itself in the skincare/mask world.
Would you give the #GlitterMask a try? Let me know if you would, or if you already have tried it! Thank you for reading my GlamGlow #GlitterMask review.