Foray into photography — from Clematis Street to Worth Avenue

I finally caved in and purchased a 50mm 1.8 lens for my mom’s Nikon D90, which I’ve been using at the Zoo for several months. I’m more of a point-and-shoot, just-wanna-take-pretty-pictures kind of photographer, and so far I’ve been able to avoid having to understand f-stops and the ISO system. I’ve checked out books, read websites, asked photography friends and watched YouTube videos. Right now I’m reading Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies, which is somewhat of a beast at nearly 700 pages.

But everything started coming together in my head today, when the Zoo’s events manager explained, explained and explained again the correlations. There was a lot of bracketing going on (when you take several shots of the same subject using different camera settings), and it helped me to better understand how to achieve the look I want.

I sent myself on an excursion to the Palm Beach Photographic Centre to purchase a protective filter for my new-to-me 50mm lens, and I also enjoyed visiting the National Press Photographers Association’s BEST of PHOTOJOURNALISM 2014 exhibition. Those were some amazing photos on display! Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures of the pictures, but I highly recommend you check it out if you are in South Florida.

Here I’m sharing some photos of Clematis Street, which is billed as the “historic heart of West Palm Beach.”

 Who else loves the trolley busses decorated with marine life?
 ‘Cuz it’s my favorite… get that wheatgrass, y’all!
Next, I wanted to try some beach scenes, so I went to the extravagant, iconic Worth Avenue on Palm Beach. 
 Time for the beach shots!
Zippy is a happy beach car, and says “Thanks for stopping by this blog!”

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