Better Hair with Blowtox

As a new mom, I rarely have time for self-care anymore. Back before I had a baby, I was all about taking time for myself – weekly massages, mani-pedis and tons of time at the gym. These days, I barely have time to shower, so forget about all of those other activities. But the one indulgence I always make time for is my hair – because I actually view it as a necessity!
Blowtox hair, don’t care!

I went to Blowtox Premier Blowdry and Salon in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida to freshen up my fall color. Initially, I went in with the mindset that I was just going to cover my gray roots (which were running rampant after my pregnancy). Seriously, I was so minimalistic in my expectations. But once I sat down in the chair of the stylist, Lauren, I realized that my head of hair could be so much more… it could be a STATEMENT!

She convinced me to go with a beautiful balayage of shades more suited to the fall. She also added some layers to boost my volume, since I’ve been having postpartum hair loss (I’m dealing with that on my own with my home-based business of shampoo and supplements). She also told me that ombre hair is totally over – I will confess I’m not sure if I agree with her, but clearly she is the professional and I’m not, LOL! I still love a head of ombre.  😉

I was so impressed with Blowtox, including the fact that they carry Aqua Hair Extensions. I even featured those extensions from the salon in my latest WPTV Beauty News live TV guest block! They are truly top notch.

So don’t be misled by the salon’s name – it’s way more than a place to get a great blowout. It’s a full-service salon that truly lives up to its name of “premier” service and quality.

Thanks for reading!



This post is in partnership with the salon.


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11 thoughts on “Better Hair with Blowtox”

  1. Congratulations to young mom. I’m so happy for you that you managed to find time for self care.I love when the stylist know their job and take care of your hair and suggest the right thing.

  2. the warm tones she balayaged into your hair are just perfect for fall… doesnt it feel good when you find a stylist you like?

  3. I just want to take the time to say, ” Congratulations on your new baby!” Your child looks so adorable and beautiful! 🙂 I would also add that Blowtox seems like a good company, and I’m glad that you had such good service and quality of care there!

  4. I am glad you have managed to take time out for yourself! My mum always tells me if i wouldnt take care of myself well i won’t be able to take care of you as well and this motivates her to involve in self care!

  5. I remember how stressful it is to have a newborn – but also what a joy! I didn’t have this problem, though, since I never ever blow dry my hair.

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